Papers and presentations

  • “A Great Composer of Time: The Post/Anti/Humanist Socialism of Jóhann Jóhannsson,” Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 10th, 2023. Audio forthcoming.

  • “Shake the City: Experiments in Space and Time, Music and Crisis” (online book launch panel, in conversation with C. Stella Becerril and Julia Alekseyeva), HM Broadcasts, January 12th, 2023. Video available at Haymarket Books’ YouTube.

  • “Shake the City: Experiments in Space and Time, Music and Crisis” (in-person book launch panel), Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 10th, 2022. Audio unavailable at this time.

  • “Androids Leaping: What Were (and Are) Cyberpunk and Synthwave?” HM Online, November 5th, 2021. Video available at Haymarket Books’ YouTube.

  • “The Case For Critical Irrealism,” HM Online, November 12th, 2020. Video available at Haymarket Books’ YouTube.

  • “Subaltern Sounds: Music, Racism, and the Reclamation of the Commons,” Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 7th, 2019, audio unavailable at this time.

  • “Trash-thetics and Dys/Utopian Praxis,” Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 10th, 2018. Audio unavailable at this time.  

  • “Art, Gentrification + the Right to the City,” presented with Magally Miranda-Alcazar and Adam Turl, Left Coast Forum, Los Angeles, CA, August 26th, 2018. Audio available at Red Wedge.  

  • “Shake the City: Space, Time, Music, Crisis,” Historical Materialism, November 8th, 2017. Audio available at

  • “For a 21st Century Popular Avant-Garde,” Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 12th, 2016. Audio unavailable at this time. 

  • “Race, Class, and Music In Uneven (Under)Development,” Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 7th, 2015. Audio available at Red Wedge.  

  • “Neoliberalism and the Radical Imagination,” presented with Adam Turl, Left Forum, New York City, May 31st, 2015. Audio available at Red Wedge.  

  • “People’s Art and Political Struggles,” presented with Remi Kanazi at Socialism 2014, Chicago, IL, June 26th. Audio available at